Andi Porzio

Andi Porzio

I’m very excited to continue our historical tradition of bringing LGTB+ theater and other activities to our community. As a past educator and Director of Student Activities, I was involved in coordinating all non-athletic extra curricula’s – talent shows, carnivals, dances and clubs. I look forward to using whatever expertise I have to enhance all our endeavors. 

“The reason our Theater is so important to us is that it has given us a sense of identity –  when we had none or very little of it portrayed accurately. It was a place to celebrate our lives and experiences in a positive vein, rather than a negative one as the outside media was portraying us.  A place where we were neither viewed as abominations or mentally ill. This theater is a testament to us being out and proud!”

Andi Porzio

APCG Member since 2011

Board Member since 2018

Retired Educator/Director of Student Activities